The Great Canadian Paper Caper: How Your Rolling Papers Are Secretly Battling Winter Storage Conditions
Rolling papers, like all paper products, are made primarily of cellulose fibers derived from plants. These fibers are hygroscopic, which is a fancy way of saying they absorb and release moisture from their surroundings. In ideal conditions, paper maintains a delicate balance of moisture content, typically around 7-9%.Your rolling papers prefer things not too hot, not too cold, but just right. Aim to store them in a place with a consistent temperature between 15-21°C (60-70°F). This means avoiding those tempting windowsills and steering clear of heat sources like radiators or fireplaces.

Smoke Signals: Why Pre-Rolls Are Set to Dominate Canada's Cannabis Market
If pre-rolls are the new cannabis top shotta, then infused pre-rolls are next up. These potent powerhouses have seen growth that can only be described as explosive, expanding from a mere 6.2% of total sales in January 2022 to a whopping 29.8% by February 2023—a mind-boggling 606% growth rate [1]. It's as if someone took the industry, shook it up like a snow globe, and when the glitter settled a minute later, infused pre-rolls were on top. The ‘roll your own’ motto of past Canadian cannabis generations is no longer at the forefront of the culture. The industry has responded to this consumer love affair with pre rolled convenience. In 2022 alone, nearly 27% of new cannabis products introduced in Canada were pre-rolls [2]. It's a veritable arms race of innovation, with producers constantly refreshing packaging and launching new strains with greater velocity.